Travel in a modern and ecological way.
It is a machine popularized by certain brands.
The electric gyrowheel and the electric monowheel are experiencing growing success with urban and young customers. You'll find incredible versatility in this superhero contraption. This means of transport has a much greater travel radius advantage compared to electric scooters, scooters and motorcycles.
Ask to be trained to use a gyro or monowheel so you can progress quickly. You have the advantage of two wheels without pedaling. The gyrowheel is an individual means of transport due to its fluidity and the sensation of gliding provided.
Sneak through the streets on gyrowheels or monowheels giving you a hands-free feeling of fun. It is absolute freedom and well-being as a relaxing means of transport. Invest in an electric unicycle which is a compact and less bulky individual means of transport.
Our Urban Moov store in Dijon and Clichy offers the sale of adapted gyrowheels and monowheels.
This transport device can be stored in a locker, under a desk or under a table.
The gyrowheel or monowheel has great strength to offer you great flexibility for your modular transport. You can slip it into a backpack. From the moment of purchase, you must look at different criteria: the weight, the size, the battery of the gyroroue, etc.
This electric vehicle is a clean, non-polluting means of transport without greenhouse gas emissions, ... Some electric wheels reach 150 km, allowing them to be recharged once a week. You have significant advantages with the gyrowheel or monowheel: limited maintenance costs, attractive electricity consumption, no parking fees, no fines, etc.
You can also opt to purchase an electric scooter and motorcycle or even an electric balance bike.
Want an electric gyro or monowheel without breaking the bank?
Un crédit vous engage et doit être remboursé. Vérifiez vos capacités de remboursement avant de vous engager.